martes, 11 de octubre de 2016

Entrega de diplomas. Cambridge 2016

Esta tarde, como otro año más, hemos hecho la entrega de diplomas a nuestros alumnos de Starters, Movers, Flyers, Ket, Pet y Fce.
Este año hemos contado con la presencia de Dña. Gloria Jiménez, responsable de Cambridge España. Gracias por tus consejos, y tu siempre sí, a nuestras llamadas. Este año y gracias a Gloria, hemos recibido una felicitación muy especial desde la mismísima Universidad de Cambridge, gracias a Saul Nasse. Director general de los prestigiosos exámenes.
Cada vez son más los alumnos que obtienen acreditaciones lingüísticas en nuestro centro. Nuestra ilusión sigue como el primer día.
Enhorabuena a todos los que han conseguido beca por sus expedientes. Y,  gracias, sobretodo a vosotros, padres, por confiar en nosotros.
Un saludo y disfrutad con vuestros hijos de este día tan especial.

miércoles, 5 de octubre de 2016

Cambridge English School

     Ayer, tuvimos la suerte de contar con el asesoramiento de Cambridge para la mejora del aprendizaje de nuestros alumnos. 

A mediados de mayo de este año, nuestro director general, D Eugenio Isabel  Molero y Cambridge English Language Assesment firmaron un convenio de colaboración para los años venideros, siendo ya el tercer centro concertado de la provincia con este proyecto tan enriquecedor.

Gracias, Gloria Jiménez Pérez  y Francisco García Heras, por toda la información que les hicisteis llegar a las familias, por estar siempre pendientes de nuestra formación, dudas, asesoramiento......., y también a las familias del centro por responder ante dicha propuesta. 

lunes, 19 de septiembre de 2016

Entrevista con Scott Johnson, padre de nuestra alumna de British International School of Boston (BISB)

1.        How did you find out about the Colegio Virgen de la Caridad School?

a.       Caroline’s Sister, Olivia spent 10 days in Illescas and visited families of the Colegio Virgen de la Caridad in June 2016 when Ana Rosales brought The British International School of Boston (BISB) to Illescas. Caroline has wanted to live for a semester or year in Spain since 2012 (11 years old). She researched schools on the internet by her own initiative in the winter of 2016. This was a signal to us that she was serious and really wanted the experience of learning fluency in the Spanish language and experiencing Spanish culture. We think she was inspired with a love of Spanish by her teacher Ana Rosales and also by Maurice Fakoury, Head of Languages at the British International School of Boston. Ms. Rosales is a tremendously adventurous spirit, a tribute to the town of Illescas and also a graduate of Colegio Virgen de la Caridad. We really did not want Caroline to go away from home at such a young age because we were concerned about the safety and education of our daughter. However, we saw a great value in nurturing her adventurous spirit, initiative and leadership ability for her future life by allowing her to pursue her dream. The entire idea was Caroline’s. She persuaded us to let her go to Illescas. Ms. Rosales arranged the wonderful host family and admission into the school and assured us that Illescas would be safe and that this was an excellent age for Caroline to study Spanish. Ms. Rosales now resides on a new adventure in Thailand. We miss her adventurous spirit and inspirational enthusiasm at BISB. The motto of The British International School of Boston(BISB) is “individual, inspirational, international” and this experience is a perfect example of how BISB is achieving its mission with our daughters. Paul Wiseman the former headmaster and Darren Nicholas the present headmaster of BISB were extremely helpful and supportive in making Caroline’s dream come true. It was a truly collaborative effort between BISB, Caridad, Victor Fernández ( Director ) , Mario Cintado ( Coordinator ) , Mercedes Gomez, Jose M (our host Mom & Dad) Ana and many BISB Teachers. We are in love and awe of all that helped make everything possible.

2.       Why were you interested in your daughter spending a term with Colegio Virgen de la Caridad?

Principled human values and standards. Emily and I want our children to be at Home in the World. When Caroline and her sister Olivia first started school at BISB the current headmaster said he could not promise us what occupations would be available for our children 12 years from that date to when they graduated. He did say he “Could promise us that one thing would be true, that the world would be more international at the time of their graduation and that BISB would deliver an International education”. BISB has definitely exceeded this promise. After Ana Rosales introduced us to the school and to Mercedes and Jose we wrote extensively via email. From the beginning we could feel Caridad’s soul in the letters Mercedes wrote. We began to see Mercedes not just as Caroline’s host mother but also as a member of our extended family and the mother of Caroline’s exchange program. Jose and Mercedes wrote us of how they would care for Caroline, love her like her own daughter, got us all the documents we needed to get a visa for Caroline, promptly answered any question we had. She was the liaison with the school for us, and she speaks excellent English. We fell in love with Mercedes and her family like our own family. She practices what she speaks. It became very clear that this would be a healthy environment where Caroline would learn independence, values, Spanish, culture, be influenced by excellent human beings and standards. Before we met Mercedes and Jose we were very worried about Caroline’s safety and development personally. We just spent 6 days in Illescas with Mercedes and Jose and their family. We are not worried. In fact, we loved them and all the effort they made to show us Spain so much that we did not want to go home. It was extraordinary and sublime. An experience of a lifetime. What we thought would be great for Caroline was equally great for the parents and siblings.

3.       What was your first impression of the host family, teachers, the Town of Illescas?

a.       Our first impression of the host family was with Mercedes through email. For Caroline her first impression was with Mercedes’ & Jose’s daughter Claudia through Instagram. Caroline and Claudia appeared to already be Well bonded and longtime friends once they met in person. Loving, Caring, Protective, generous, principled. That was our first impression of our host family.                                                                                                                                                                                    
b.       Our first impression of the teachers was also Mercedes who teaches English at the school. The remainder of the teachers were very attentive, highly principled, generous and caring. We felt so wanted and welcomed. Everyone is enthusiastic. Each teacher took the time to ask Caroline what she was learning and to get a feel for who she was and where they would need to start to move her education forward. The school was also well prepared to address Caroline’s emotional well-being since this would be the first time she was away from home. When people have the correct attitude the world moves. The teachers at Caridad, like BISB are incredibly dedicated to making a contribution to their students. Also, they all encouraged Caroline to ask them for extra help if she needs it.

c.       The Town of Illescas? This town is like stepping into a movie set. It is the perfect size. Not too small, not too big. It is good that it is not a big city from a security perspective and very little English is spoken. Caroline’s main objective is to become fluent in Spanish. Immersion is the best way to become fluent. The town also appears very friendly. Mercedes and Jose know a lot of people and Illescas has a very strong community. The weekend we arrived we saw two El Greco paintings in the church, Flamenco dancing, amazing dressage horses and a wonderful parade celebrating the end of the summer festival completed by dinner under the stars in the town square with a talent competition and music played by the children of the town. It was an evening filled with culture, community and warmth. The people of the town are very friendly and are excited to have a foreign student in their midst. We get the feeling that everyone has been waiting for Caroline’s arrival. The first night she was there she picked up 28 new Instagram followers. This really made Caroline feel like she was a part of the town and welcome. The town is also close to Madrid and Toledo. Mercedes, Jose and Mario took us to the see all of these sights from the Spanish perspective. We thank everyone for their gracious hospitality.

4.      What experience do you expect your daughter to have during the term?

a.        Much of the learning is the process of applying to the school and just getting everything set up to go to Spain. Caroline is learning over and over what effort it takes to set objectives and achieve them by participating in this new experience. Her confidence increases with every challenge that she overcomes. One thing that Caroline has learned is that she can do anything she sets her mind to and we think she is amazed that she actually made it possible for her to achieve her dream of visiting Spain. The challenge of learning that you can control your life and achieve new things that appear difficult to achieve is a priceless experience. This will be an experience in personal responsibility with the guidance of very responsible adults. We also expect her to become fluent in Spanish. She will have to study and manage herself much more than she has had to in the past. We also think she will appreciate her family in Spain and the USA more. She also will learn how to make her way in the world and really understand Spanish culture by living it day to day.

5.       Do you recommend other students spend a semester at Colegio Virgen de la Caridad and at the British International School of Boston?

a.        We absolutely recommend students spend a semester or more at Colegio Virgen de la Caridad. We wish we had this kind of opportunity when we were young.

b.       What would you like to say to parents and students from America about your experience?
                                                               i.      The world was never changed by conformists. This is a safe environment for a child to grow up and learn independence in a less conventional setting, in the world. The experience is unique. It takes courage and self-leadership to leave your home and country for a place you know little about.
b.        What would you like to say to Spanish parents and students?

                                                               i.      Come to America. We have made a decision to become a host family in America. After learning from Mercedes and Jose we cannot wait to have another child in our home to teach a love for American culture and English. Mercedes and Jose have set a wonderful example of how to receive and care for exchange students. They want to develop the program further and will pass their knowledge along to make the program even better than it already is. Any child that participates in a program like this will be better fit to lead a better and more interesting life. It will be a lot of fun!

                Scott Johnson

jueves, 15 de septiembre de 2016

Una experiencia enriquecedora

El curso pasado ya recibimos a nueve estudiantes del British International School of Boston, empezando así una relación de amistad e intercambio lingüístico entre los dos centros. El próximo mes de Abril quince estudiantes de nuestro centro podrán disfrutar de la misma experiencia en tierras americanas.
Dadas las buenas relaciones entre ambos centros, este curso vamos a contar durante el primer cuatrimestre con la presencia en nuestras aulas de Caroline, alumna del BISB, y que cursará 3 de ESO. Gracias a su familia de acogida, ya se siente una más y gracias al centro y profesores por hacerlo más sencillo de llevar. También a Scott y Emily, padres de Caroline, por confiar en nosotros.
Es la primera alumna americana y esperamos que sean más en los años venideros.
Bienvenida Caroline al Colegio Virgen de la Caridad.
Un saludo

viernes, 24 de junio de 2016

Valoración del profesorado de Guadarrama

Padres, puede que para vosotros hayan sido días largos porque habréis echado de menos a vuestros hijos, pero ellos han sido muy muy felices.
Han practicado y ampliado sus conocimientos en inglés. Además muchos han aprendido a realizar diferentes tareas domésticas; desde hacer la cama y mantener todo limpio y ordenado a ayudarse entre compañeros.

Quizás no sepan transmitir muchas de las experiencias vividas pero sus caras reflejan lo felices que han sido estos días por lo que podéis estar tranquilos.

En cuanto a Las instalaciones eran impresionantes, con parajes increíbles cargados de una densa vegetación.

Los monitores han estado en todo momento con ellos, les han ayudado y les han hecho reír. El trato ha sido inmejorable.
Por otro lado, las comidas han sido equilibradas,abundantes y de calidad.

Para muchos ha sido su primera vez pero seguramente no será la última.

Como docentes creemos que ha sido una gran oportunidad que han aprovechado al máximo. Quizá un día más hubiera sido mejor, aprendemos para el curso siguiente.

Muchas gracias a todo el equipo de monitores de Vorwaerts, con Ana Carrasquilla a la cabeza,  cocineros, auxiliares de cocina, socorristas y a los profes del centro, Ana Rivera, Ana Alcade por estar siempre ahí pendientes de todo  y ser una gran ayuda para mi y todo lo que organizamos, a los alumnos por su buen comportamiento, por su participación y energía y a los padres por su paciencia y confiar en nosotros.
Hasta la próxima.
Un saludo
Mario Cintado Muñoz
Coordinador Beda
Colegio Virgen de la Caridad