martes, 28 de febrero de 2017

Exeter and Harry Potter's St.

Day 4 - Visiting Exeter!! And Harry Potter's street!

This morning we had to think a lot in class because there were new vocabulary and pronunciation to learn. We played games like 'the telephone game'. Different teachers came to our class and we were doing breaks after one hour of lesson.

We had lunch at the Strand at twelve o'clock. We ate our packed lunch. The seagulls tried to steal our food but they couldn't. And talked to our friends about our experiences with our host families.

We find so many different things when we are with them that we don't see in Spain. Most of the houses have carpet all over the rooms. This way, our feet are warmer.

In the afternoon we went to Exeter by train. We saw nice landscapes on our way. First thing we did in Exeter was to visit the Royal Albert Memorial Museum. In this museum there are many sections and displays like 'Making history', 'World cultures', we saw an Egyptian tomb too, Victorian dresses, stuffed animals like a giraffe! and we did an activity in groups which was fun.

After that, we went to the Cathedral. On the way, we went through the street that appears on Harry Potter films, the 'Diagon Alley'! And we saw a tower  where some witches were burnt!

We came back to Exmouth by train. Some families were waiting for us at the train station... now we are going to play and have dinner with them! We are doing many different things!

See you tomorrow!!!!

By: Teresa Rodríguez

Leandro Andrada

David Larrea

Ismael Felicio

David Pueblas